On June 18, 1855, Samuel Kirkpatrick came from Iowa to stake his claim in Cass County, where our town, Nehawka, is today. That fall he built the first saw mill in the area on the north banks of the Weeping Water Creek. The following year other families moved to the area.  Because the name “Weeping Water” had already been chosen by a settlement upstream they chose the name “Nehawka,” meaning “rustling water.” A postal address was approved for that name on January 8, 1875.  As Nehawka celebrated its 100th birthday, citizens paused to reflect on the proud heritage of their little town and the people who made it such a nice place to live.

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Corner of Main and Washington, Nehawka, Nebraska 68413
Nehawka Community Park
909 60th Street, Nehawka, Nebraska 68413
Nehawka Rural Fire District
735 Elm St, Nehawka, Nebraska 68413