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Stop by our Country Store and sample fresh fruit and vegetables, many baked items including pies and turnovers, or a huge selection of country staples such as Apple Butter and Pumpkin Butter. Many unique jams and preserves are also available. Our tasting room is open daily featuring a wide variety of Nebraska Wines including our very own Prairie Delight Apple Wine. We are open year around from 10 AM until 6 PM daily.
- Union Orchard Linda Wostrel-Terry’s sister Carla Wostrel-Terry’s wife pouring wine P.J. Ferreira-retail manager Logan Marten-getting face painted Madeleine Gazdagh 8257 Clinton Worstrel holding apple basket and planting tree Matt, Abbie, Maisie Wecker Teagan Davis riding pony Henry and Oliver Gifford8388(back to front) Laura and Avery Loewens 8396 Rob and Deedee Kennedy walking through grapevines Fontanelle Orchard Tim Vie owner with pie Kimberly Gigaroa making popcorn balls
- Union Orchard Linda Wostrel-Terry’s sister Carla Wostrel-Terry’s wife pouring wine P.J. Ferreira-retail manager Logan Marten-getting face painted Madeleine Gazdagh 8257 Clinton Worstrel holding apple basket and planting tree Matt, Abbie, Maisie Wecker Teagan Davis riding pony Henry and Oliver Gifford8388(back to front) Laura and Avery Loewens 8396 Rob and Deedee Kennedy walking through grapevines Fontanelle Orchard Tim Vie owner with pie Kimberly Gigaroa making popcorn balls
- Union Orchard Linda Wostrel-Terry’s sister Carla Wostrel-Terry’s wife pouring wine P.J. Ferreira-retail manager Logan Marten-getting face painted Madeleine Gazdagh 8257 Clinton Worstrel holding apple basket and planting tree Matt, Abbie, Maisie Wecker Teagan Davis riding pony Henry and Oliver Gifford8388(back to front) Laura and Avery Loewens 8396 Rob and Deedee Kennedy walking through grapevines Fontanelle Orchard Tim Vie owner with pie Kimberly Gigaroa making popcorn balls