For non-profit organizations developing tourism activities or improvements in Cass County.
Applications are due January 31 each year.
All applicants are required to submit the standard application form and required attachments by the posted deadline date(s).
Capital Improvement grants have a 2-step process where an Intent to Apply application is reviewed by the Tourism Committee and if applicant and project meets basic criteria a committee member will be assigned to the project and will do a site-inspection. Once inspected the committee member will let the Director know whether it meets criteria or not, and to move forward to sending the Capital Improvement Grant Application. Deadline for this application is in the guidelines.
Applicants will be notified via email or standard mail of award after Tourism Committee has presented presented them to the County Commissions for approval.
All applications must be received no later than the deadline date. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Please Email your application in a single document either PDF (preferred) or a Word .doc.
2025 Marketing Grant Guidelines & Application – Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025
Social Media Attribution Guidelines and Examples
2025 Capital Improvement Grant Guidelines & Intent to Apply – Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025
Submit your applications via email (preferred) to:
Please call 402-296-5999 if any questions.
“Funded in part by Cass County Tourism –”
Click Here to Download Image
NOTE: Please contact Tourism office for any clarification on whether live or clickable links are necessary on online projects.
Administered by the Cass County Tourism Committee (an advisory group to the Cass county Board of Commissioners), the annual grant program is designed to promote tourism in the county by providing funding to tourism-related nonprofit organizations. There are two categories of grants available: Capital Improvement Projects & Marketing.
The purpose of this grant is to attract additional visitors to Cass County by providing funding to promote events, activities and/or general marketing for Cass County’s public and nonprofit attractions. Funds available through this program are from the collection of Lodging Tax in Cass County. Nebraska statute states that these funds are to be used to generally promote, encourage, and attract visitors to Cass County and to use tourism facilities. It specifically states that these funds cannot be used for capital construction or improvements. Each Grant request may not exceed 2,500.00. All eligible marketing expenses must be documented and will be reimbursed at a rate of 75% of approved expenses, not to exceed the $2,500.00 maximum. Only one marketing grant may be submitted for each applicant. Budget must accompany application, see requirements for more information.
Eligibility & Criteria for Assistance:
The purpose of this grant is to attract additional visitors to Cass County by providing funding to improve Cass County’s public and nonprofit attractions. Funds available through this grant are provided from the Visitors Improvement Fund lodging tax, and are for capital improvements to attractions and recreational facilities and to assist in the promotion of Tourism in Cass County. Granted monies shall be used for a new structure, preservation of an existing structure or new equipment built or installed to permanently add or enhance value and/or capacity to the site.
Eligibility & Criteria for Assistance: